
Comparing Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum on AWS Blockchain

Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric are leaders among blockchain technology frameworks. Developers and businesses are drawn to their unique features, especially when these technologies run on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Organisations should carefully choose the right platform to find a secure and scalable infrastructure that can amplify blockchain’s benefits. 

It is crucial to have a vision for same and dissimilarities of Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric within the AWS Blockchain when selecting an AWS Course that teaches to build and administer the solutions. 

Table of Contents 

  • Understanding Hyperledger Fabric on AWS
  • Exploring Ethereum on AWS
  • Differences Between Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum
  • Choosing the Right Blockchain Framework on AWS
  • Conclusion

Understanding Hyperledger Fabric on AWS

Hyperledger Fabric framework is one of the projects within the Linux Organization the Hyperledger. Hyperledger Fabric possesses a modular architecture, and companies are provided a secure and thus permissioned type of blockchain infrastructure. Hyperledger Fabric can be easily administered given the fact that AWS has an integrated Managed Blockchain solution which is a reliable and scalable environment for your network. 

Hyperledger Fabric’s features include: 

Permissioned Network

Hyperledger Fabric’s design prioritises access control and privacy. Only authorised users can sign up and complete transactions on this permissioned network. 

Pluggable Consensus Protocols

Hyperledger Fabric’s architecture makes the consensus methods flexible and adaptable to different organisational needs. Consensus algorithms like Kafka and Raft allow you to modify the network’s security and performance. 

Modular Architecture

The modular design ensures greater flexibility, allowing components like identity management, consensus, and ledger storage to be adjusted separately. 

Channel Support

Participants can communicate privately through channels. With this functionality, members can be a part of the larger network and yet have their own private ledgers. 

Exploring Ethereum on AWS

Ethereum is an open-source blockchain platform. Ethereum forms the basis for decentralised apps (DApps) and smart contracts. Your DApps and decentralised finance (DeFi) initiatives can grow as needed by deploying Ethereum nodes with AWS Managed Blockchain. 

Among Ethereum’s key characteristics are: 

Permissionless Network

Ethereum runs on a permissionless network, unlike Hyperledger Fabric, where anybody can join and approve transactions. This produces a distributed environment appropriate for global application. 

Smart Contracts

Developers can create and deploy smart contracts with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). These programmable contracts enable autonomous execution and form the foundation of decentralised applications. 

ERC Standards

Ethereum’s token standards like ERC-20 (fungible tokens) and ERC-721 (non-fungible tokens) facilitate the development and interoperability of tokens and DApps. 

DeFi and DApp Ecosystem

There is no other ecosystem like the one that supports decentralised finance ventures and DApps. This community provides tools, documentation, and frameworks for streamlining developments. 

Differences Between Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum

The following are the differences between Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum: 

Network Structure and Permissions

Hyperledger Fabric focuses on permissioned networks where users need prior authorisation to use the network. In contrast, Ethereum is better suited for open-access applications because of its permissionless network. 

Smart Contract Programming

Hyperledger Fabric supports smart contracts written in general-purpose languages like JavaScript, Java, and Go. Ethereum creates its smart contracts using the purpose-built language, Solidity. Fabric is a popular choice among developers who use mainstream languages. 

Consensus Mechanisms

Due to its permissionless nature, Ethereum uses proof-of-work consensus, which uses a lot of resources and operates more slowly than Hyperledger Fabric’s pluggable consensus methods. Fabric’s modular architecture allows it to achieve quicker transaction speeds and improved scalability. 

Use Cases and Applications

Hyperledger Fabric’s permissioned structure is perfect for sectors like supply chain management, healthcare, and finance that prioritises data privacy and auditability. On the other hand, Ethereum, with its open applications like tokenisation and decentralised finance, allows global parties to conduct trustworthy transactions. 

Governance and Control

With Hyperledger Fabric, users may control their networks, and each user has a voice in the governance model. Because Ethereum is decentralised, community consent is needed to make changes, making governance less centralised and slower to take effect. 

Choosing the Right Blockchain Framework on AWS

While Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum on AWS blockchain both have advantages, which one is ideal for your project will depend on the project requirements. 

Privacy and Control

Hyperledger Fabric is a better option for data protection, control over participation, and robust governance because of its permissioned structure and granular access controls. 

Global Collaboration and Open Ecosystem

Ethereum’s permissionless network and strong developer community make it ideal for projects that require global participation and quick innovation, such as decentralised financial apps. 

Development Flexibility

JavaScript or Java developers may gravitate towards Hyperledger Fabric. While developers with a background in Solidity may be more comfortable with Ethereum. 

Scalability and Performance

Hyperledger Fabric consensus protocols are flexible and fast enough to run high-accrual business applications that need instant transactions. At the same time, though, Ethereum is now shifting to Ethereum 2. 0, starts with the scaling solution for its PoS system. 


Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric each offer advantages on the AWS blockchain. Whether your objective is to leverage decentralised applications or create a permissioned network with strict data restrictions, AWS offers the infrastructure needed to scale your blockchain project. Enrolling in a blockchain-specific AWS course can assist you in mastering these technologies and guarantee that you make knowledgeable decisions about the architecture, development, and deployment of your next blockchain project. For more information visit: The Knowledge Academy.

Sophia Jennifer

I'm Sophia Jennifer from the United States working in social media marketing It is very graceful work and I'm very interested in this work.